Thursday, April 29, 2010

Be It Ever So Humble, There's Nothing Like ReTweeting

Hello again everyone,

Today I'd like to just take a minute to reenforce something we all know but from what I'm hearing from my clients, too rarely do enough of. Namely, the simple retweet.

Now we all talk a good game about connecting with people and engaging them and so on.
But one of the best and often most underutisided ways of doing this is by simply showing people you value their work, input, perspective , problem or situation by passing it on up the line.

Retweeting is easy, but in case you've never done it, here's what you need to know.

Firstly You'll Need:

Computer Access

An Internet connection

A Twitter account setup

Step 1 Open your twitter account at: http://www.twitter/ 

or   Create a free account if needed.

Step 2

Find a valuable, intersting, funny or late breaking news twitter posting.

Step 3

Enter the abbreviated 'RT' into the box below 'What are you doing now'

Step 4

Then enter the '@' symbol in front of the original poster's name , with no space between the name and '@' symbol.

Step 5

Highlight the person's twitter post with your cursor, making sure to include any links. Copy the post using your 'ctrl + C' shortcut.

Step 6

The paste the post into the box and click the 'Update button'

That's really all there is to retweeting.

You've now not only forwarded something valuable to your network but made the first step in connecting to author of the original tweet.

Well done.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Social Media Industry Report

Congratulations to Michael Stelzner and his group at Social Media Examiner for puting together a quality report with almost 1400 industry respondents on how they are using social media marketing tools and trends within their organisations.

The results are now available as a free report on:

I thing is clear I think and that is that the technology behind social media is constantly evolving and needs to be embraced to stay at the cutting edge.

Hope you like it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Seven Great Social Media Videos

I got a great posting sent to me today on Hubspot.

There are seven terrific short videos from 7 of Americas top universities.

Simply click on to the link below and enjoy these tremendous social media updates.

Please let me know which video you liked the most.
