Wednesday, April 22, 2015

After Over One Year The Digital Enterprise Program (DEP) Entering Its' Last Stages

Ongoing Discussion

It's really difficult to tell you how often I get asked about the Digital Enterprise Program (DEP) and in particular how long it still has to run. Now for those that don't already know, the Digital Enterprise Program is a Federally funded, Government training initiative which is available nationally, but here in Victoria is being run in part, under the auspices of VECCI.

Time Frame

The program will continue to run its workshops until June this year where it will continue to bring much needed training assistance to any Australian business wishing to receive specialised business training in the increasingly important field of digital and related social media marketing, by way of a series of seven free, two hour seminars that have been running since the start of last year.


The topics for the DEP workshops are as follows:
  1. Developing an e-strategy
  2. Improving business efficiencies:
    Online tools and applications
  3. The benefits and risks of digital marketing
  4. Social Media
  5. Going global online
  6. E-commerce
  7. Managing customer relationships online

Each of these seven workshops has been specifically designed in collaboration with local councils and available at no cost based on the full government funding, with the aim of providing a robust platform from which any business can plan, design, implement and run a complete electronic strategy that will position and drive their business performance.

Free Coaching

As well as the series of seven workshops outlined above, any attendee can also (and again at no cost), book a four hour, one on one coaching session with a DEP trainer who will come out to your business to help you you put together your own digital plan and action program.

Against the backdrop of such an integral and dynamic aspect of marketing, this quintessential component continues to grow and evolve at light speed, requiring a strategy that incorporates the key platforms and allows for quick and ongoing adjustments that reflect the numerous changes that occur almost on a daily basis.


To book your seat now you can call VECCI directly on: (03) 8662 5333 or email: or go to V.E.CC.I.’s website directly on:
for more information.  I urge everyone to pass this post on to anyone they feel may require of benefit from attending and of the workshops or coaching sessions.

So until next time, good luck and good marketing.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Life's Certainly What Happens While You're Busy Making Other Plans

The Value Of Scheduling Content

As all of you know that have been reading this blog over the years or ever been in any training with me I am an ardent exponent and enthusiast about planning your content our for your site, blog and other related social media platforms using any number of great products such as: Hootsuite, Buffer, Meet Edgar or with any other auto-responder such as A-Weber, thereby allowing you to effective plan, prepare and schedule the work in a logical and systematic way. If you're doing this and a very sincere well done.

The Exception To The Rule

However despite me also wanting to adhere to these proven principles of good marketing, i feel the need to pull away from my planned schedule to tell you about the worst example of customer service I may have ever seen and present it to you as a cautionary tale to ensure that you're not even remotely doing anything similar in your business or organisation.

The Chimney Pot Guy

In recent times we have been trying to put some old world charm back into our home through the use of some period features, and the latest example of this was to put up a charming chimney pot which was to be mounted on to the chimney.  An easy enough plan or at least buying the chimney was whereas the installation not so much.

Specifically after booking in a firm to install the product, Day one was a non show because of rain. No problem. Day two was a no show because of no particular reason. Day three when the given time frame of between 9 and 1 had well ad truly passed we called the manager to ask where where the workers. The response is genuinely worthy of being highlighted. Initially the manager said:
"Oh are they not there yet?" and this was quickly followed by "yeah I was actually just about to call you to update you on that."

Eventually a young apprentice showed up at 3 with seemingly little idea as to how to do the job and without the required material to complete the work.

When asked why he didn't have the materials he produced an email that had been altered by the manager to change a statement we had made and added another we didn't make.

Eventually after several days, phone calls, texts and emails a job that should have taken an hour was done and to the young man's credit, done well.

The Lifetime Value Of A Customer

 Three are of course many things that we can take out of this actual example that I assure you is absolutely true. Learnings on business values, acceptable standards of behaviour and customer service, pre - call planning processes and so on. But let's cut to the chase that if for no other reason than financial self interest had this business have not wasted 3 days of out time, this blog post could have been complimentary and bought in more business than they'd know what to do with.

Instead it's a cautionary tale to the wise that any customer may be your dream customer whether you see it or not with the ability to help you more than you know. As a matter of personal approach I wont discuss the business name here which is lucky for the firm as I'm sure they'd be hurt by thousands of people knowing about them. But I'm fairly certain that the next time they pull these types of stunts, the next person will be please to tell you their name.

Digital Enterprise Program
Naturally if you would like to know more about any aspect of marketing, sales, customer service or social media, don't forget to register for any of the seven free, two hour Digital Enterprise Program workshops by signing up at this link:

By registering you will also gain a free four hour coaching session one on one for your business.

So until next time, good luck and good marketing.


Digital Enterprise Program

Naturally if you would like to know more about any aspect of Facebook or social media, don't forget to register for any of the seven free, two hour Digital Enterprise Program workshops by signing up at this link: - See more at: