As many people may already have heard, there have been some recent changes to Facebook platform by developers in terms of their formatting and function. Although I'd urge everyone to go and check them out one that I'd particularly like to talk about this week is the new: Featured Liked Pages function.
Facebook says, “These pages are shown on the left of your page. Up to five pages are shown at a time, and you can specify which of your liked pages always rotate there by selecting them as featured.”
Recently there was a nice piece in the SM examiner that gave an example (shown below).
These are pages that your page has liked (previously "featured").
Essentially the default is that it will pick 5 Liked Sites at random but wisely Facebook have given account holders the ability to pick which 5 they want featured.
This is simply done by clicking the 'Edit' button then clicking 'Featured' and 'Edit Featured Links'.
From this you will be able to select the ones that you want featured.
Clearly there is great potential to form strategic alliances with people using this type of functionality but remember to always use 5 listings who are not competitors with each other.
Always ensure your listings are complimentary but not competitive.
Until next time, good luck and good marketing.