Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Federal Election - The Ultimate Addition to a SWOT Analysis

OK let me come clean right up front before I get into this week's blog post and tell you that I've been looking for any excuse to get you all to do , redo and routinely update your SWOT analysis.  And let's face it there is no better example than being on the verge of a Federal election.

It has to be the definitive example of an market factor which depending on your perspective will either be the most significant opportunity or threat.

Look at the criteria. It is an external factor, over which your organisation or firm has no legitimate control and which will almost certainly impact on your business in a meaningful way depending on who wins on the day.

So what updates will you make this week to your SWOT analysis and how will Labor regaining power or the Liberal's winning power effect you good or bad?

Quite simply this post is not political in the strict sense and its aim is purely to bring into sharp focus to continually review and update the most neglected and underutilised weapon in our business arsenal, the SWOT analysis.

So regardless of who you vote for and be sure you do vote, make sure you are perennially thinking about what it will mean to you and what you need to do either way as a result.

And until next time, good luck, good voting  and as always, good marketing.


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