Friday, November 15, 2013

Slideshare Now Allows Infographics

As you will all know by the various discussions over time, I am a great fan of Slideshare and believe it to be an integral part of any social media marketing plan or campaign. For this reason I was thrilled this week to read that Slideshare has now allowed its users to share infographics with  their readers.

The statistics on Slideshare are well documented with 55 million unique monthly users and a staggering 130 million page views. That's like reaching an audience two and a half times the size of Australia. 

But I know that some people are simply blazes about any number these days based on the absolute size of Facebook so listen to this.  Infographics on SlideShare are 4x more viral than presentations and an amazing 23x more viral than documents. 

Now when we look at this wonderful tool we see a platform that is almost unique in that it allows you to do the opposite to other social media modalities do. Namely put as much information as you want down.  This is significant because for some things the customer wants  a lot more data and time to digest it all.  Life isn't always about 140 characters or less and for those situations, regardless of whether you use an infographic or the humble PowerPoint presentation, Slideshare is a great waepon in your e-marketing arsenal. 

So until next time, good luck and good marketing.

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