Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Including Calls To Action In Your YouTube Videos By Adding YouTube Cards

The Need For Effective CTA's

 The need to be able to effectively navigate from one social media outpost to the digital hub and or the next social media option is critical and has been spoken about on the Road Scholars blog many times. This ability to move within the overall digital network allows you the ability to keep providing value, social proof and ultimately a way to commercialise the customers desire to meet their needs with your product offering.

Within YouTube

Specifically within the YouTube environment there are multiple ways to do this. One of the simplest ways is to simply create and YouTube Cards that appear on the video and direct the viewer to take the next required action that your are nominating for them.

To create the YouTube Card for a video, simply go to the Video and add cards to your YouTube video, go to your YouTube Video Manager and simply select the video you want to add a card to. Then click on Edit below the video’s title.

The on the next screen click on the Cards Tab.

From here the template is accessible that allows you to craft the specific message you want the viewer to see and respond to. Just click on the Add Card button and create the specifics of the card.

As shown above there are five types of YouTube Cards currently available.
You will provide the key information for the one you select to create the card. 

For example, if you choose the URL option you will provide the link to the next port of call which may be for example where the prospect buys your product offering.


 This YouTube card is yet another effective and viable way to provide users with clear directions and options on what to do next and how to do it. They make the process more intuitive and enjoyable for the person engaged with your content and is a vital cog in producing viable social media networks.

To learn more about all aspects of social and digital marketing simply click on: 


and select a course that's right for you.
So until next time, good luck and good marketing.

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