Friday, December 3, 2010

A Cautionary Tale on Social Media Marketing

Hi again everyone.

This week I want to devote my blog post to a quick bit of feedback from a presentation I gave the other night at a W omen's Business Network meeting. I was asked to speak on the role of Emotional Intelligence in Business and the positive benefits that flow from having a team of people with high EI. It was a great night and I walked away with two strong memories from the night.
1. How tight the group was and how mutually supportive they were of each other. Great stuff, and
2. That in some discussions later people had the view that as one person put it:
"I've done the all the social media things and it didn't work. My sales are flat."
Hearing this I asked a couple of questions about exactly what she had done. Cutting a long story short, she hadn't done everything.  No Slide Share, no blog, no LinkedIn, No social book marking, etc, etc.....
Now to her credit she had done some things, but even there they were incomplete.

What I'm trying to get at here is that as we all know or should no, social media is not a simple check list of tactics that you set and forget.
It flows from broad strategy that we implement through appropriate tactical platforms and tolls and monitor closely and adjust and change over time.

If for what ever reason you think you have done it all, you wont have to add your sales are down. It will probably be a given.

 Keep studying, keep testing and measuring, keep fine tuning and the benefits will begin to flow over time.

Good marketing and good luck,

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