Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Small Reminder on: Branding Your Business

Some interesting discussions occurred through the week on the topic of branding that have nudged me towards making it the subject of this post.

As one person said this week, " I don’t have to worry anymore about branding because I'm happy with my logo".

OK then. Where do I start. Certainly your firms logo is a key component of your businesses branding but it is by no means the only component.

Simply put, branding is everything you do consistently and includes the colours you use, the type of font and the size of the font, key visuals, sounds, music or any other verbal communication consistently used and therefore associated with you, smells, sounds, etc.

In short, it's everything you do consistently that your target audience see, hear, smell, feel and taste as part of knowing and experiencing your brand.

So when should you be happy with your branding?

Basically when two things happen.

1. The various aspects compliment the other aspects of the branding

2. When individually and collectively the branding elements each support and align effectively to the target market and their known unmet needs and desires.

If this isn't happening, trust me. Nice logo or not, you need your branding overhauled.

Until next time, good marketing and good luck.

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