Thursday, May 5, 2011

Facebooks New Marvel: The SEND Button

Facebook's new SEND button is the latest in a long line of recent innovations that continue to be unveiled at break neck speed thus far in 2011.

In simple words, the SEND button now allows Facebook users to send their content to individual friends directly whereas up until now, using the LIKE button they could have sent it to their whole network or specific groups.

And to go along with this, you can now get a combined Like and Send button.

This is an important update and recognises the importance being able to direct certain messages selectively to one particular individual or a few people, as opposed to messages that are specifically written for public and mass distribution.

As the discussion becomes more involved and the various media platforms continue to ramp up their privacy controls in the hope of positively reassuring users, I suspect we will start to see more of this type of innovation, that continues to provide the user greater levels of control.

What about you are their any new buttons you'd like to see Facebook or the other sites add?

Until next time, good luck and good marketing.


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