Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Real Aim of All B2B Social Media Has Always Been to Provide A Centre of Excellence

As all my clients that I work with and students will tell you, I have always been a huge proponent of the philosophy that B2B social media is and has always been about provide a centre of excellence that interested parties or individuals gravitate around and form a community that over time further engages with one another.

So in light of this I'm very pleased to see that recently:Industry Analyst Jeremiah Owyang posted a piece along similar lines and defined a Centre of Excellence as:

A program deployed by companies trending in the advanced levels of social business maturity. The Social Media Center of Excellence (CoE) is a centralized program that provides resources, training, and strategy to a variety of business units that are deploying social media in order to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and provide standardization. This team is often run by the Corporate Social Strategist, who’s the business stakeholder and program champion. To learn more, read the full research report on this role, and a list of these budding professionals.

I think this was a brilliantly written piece and articulates what most social media hubs dont have. Namely a well defines reason for being.

Suffice to say that I believe that this is absolutely correct and that every one who aims to have a blog, Facebook fan page, You Tube channel, etc, needs to sit down first and answer the question: 'where and how will my platform stand out'.
In answering this key question you also answer the real question of why will people want to keep coming back again and again to be part of what you're offering.

If you haven't already done this, start now.

What are some of the things you came up with.

Until next time, good luck and good marketing.

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