Monday, December 5, 2011

Census Data Provides A Rare Opportunity For Perfect Demographic Data

Rarely are we in a better position than right now as marketers to be able to be more certain about the specific potential size of any target market locally based on either demographics or psychographics. This is of course because of the recently conducted statistical, national census.

We all know how difficult it is to be sure about the data that we base our decision making on, but for now at least we all have access to an almost perfect representation of the national profile.

Incredibly when I ask students and clients about how they go about breaking down their market and validating segment sizes and attitudinal and behavioural data, rarely if ever do people respond with the answer that I'm looking for. Namely "I call the ABS and purchase the latest report".

For the record not only is this data incredibly current and accurate, but concurrently incredibly inexpensive and oozing with information that properly used will deliver true insight about your target audience, who they are, where they live, how much they earn, etc., etc.

It goes without saying that the more time passes the older the data will get and yes, potentially inaccurate. But for now it is the real Mc Coy.
So don't wait, don't hesitate. Either call the ABS or visit them on their website ( and search out all the incredible data that may very well lead you to better defining your audience and what USP you may be in a position to offer them that others can't.

Let's hear how you go. And until next time, good luck and good marketing.


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