Saturday, September 1, 2012

Facebook To Follow Google Adwords With Its Own Sponsored Result Search Ads

It has been reported recently by TechCrunch, that Facebook has been launched its own version of sponsored ads similar to Google's Adwords, with its own version of Sponsored Result Search Ads.

For those of you that are familiar with Google's version (i.e. Adwords), you know that these types of ads provide businesses the ability to specifically target people who are searching for specific topics by way of keywords, apps, page names.  With the Facebook ads advertisers would be able to direct people who may be searching for specific pages, apps and Places and then insert a link into the search box that directs them to their own app, Page, custom Page tab, or post.
However it has been reported that marketers will not be able to drive direct these users off-site with the ads yet, though they can appear above the top organic result providing them with a position of great prominence.
The ads now have a black-bordered section in the typeahead results. That’s makes the fact that they’re paid advertising obvious as opposed to organically positioned results. 
Potential marketers interested in this type of promotional option will soon be invest part of their promotional budget into Facebook's Sponsored  Ads. The option will be found in the power editor.
With over one hundred million search queries a month, Google is till obviously our first port of call today, so it will be interesting to see how effective this new feature becomes and how much people want to use it to do something that they have traditionally done elsewhere. 
Until next time, good luck and good marketing.



  1. How can one track Search Engine Optimization SEO work of a site and what kind of tools are needed?
    pay per click management

  2. Hello,
    Thanks for your question.
    The definitive measure of SEO of course is organic ranking so the test is whether or not it is on page one or any other search engine.
    Obviously there are good analytical tools for both monitoring the activity n websites and sentiment analysis.
    Google analytics is free and easy to incorporate on your site and Trackr for sentiment is only 20 dollars a month with a free 2 week trial period. Hope this helps. Cheers. Daniele.


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