Friday, October 11, 2013

Making Google Adwords More Affordable

It is interesting how many people I meet who are yet to incorporate Google Adwords or any other type of sponsored links for that matter, into their thinking and electronic, promotional mix.

When I inquire as to why they have not at least tried the well known and highly effective option, I must say of all the answers that I would expect to get as a possible rationale  for not using it such as:
- I'm too busy to keep split testing different ads
- I don't enjoy having to periodically review how each key word or term is performing
- I prefer to focus on organic search with a strictly SEO focus
- I don't understand the function of negative key words, etc. are no where to be seen.

Interestingly the one that I keep hearing is: that it costs too much and their business can't afford it. Wow.  This is surprising and wrong on so many levels.

Let me explain. To begin with Google allows each advertiser to set their own daily dollar limit. That's right so if you tell Google you want to spend no more that $10 or $10,000 a day, then it is physically impossible for you to exceed that number in any given day. This fear that you can wake up the next day and owe Google a million dollars is simply not correct.

Unlike print media for example where the cost of the ad is fixed regardless of how many people read it or act on it, with Google Adwords it is not how many people see your ad that matters but only how many people click on your ad that determines how often you get charged. This system is called a Pay Per Click (or P.P.C) system as opposed to a Pay Per Impression (P.P.I) system which is used by Facebook with their ads amongst others.

The other major misconception is that the cost of all key words is becoming or has become prohibitive in nature especially for SME's.  Well it is true that some key words can cost you thousands of dollars per click, based on the potential that they can bring in sales revenues.  But most are still affordable and here is the great trick to running cost effective, Google Adwords campaigns.

Simply to use long tail keyword terms and not just a single keyword.

For example if I use the word 'mobile' as a key word when set up an add it will be very expensive and more daily budget certainly wont go far. But as I extend the term it becomes progressively cheaper.
For example mobile phone is cheaper than mobile, Blackberry mobile phone is cheaper than mobile phone, Blackberry Bold 9900 mobile phone is cheaper than Blackberry mobile phone and so on.

The longer the tail the more cost effective it will be thereby maximising your promotional spend.

So at the end of the day although I'm not advocating t anyone that you put all your promotional eggs into this one basket, I know you'd be remiss not to at very least try it out for a couple of weeks and see how viable and cost effective it is for you in your market.

So until next time, good luck and good marketing.

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