Wednesday, April 23, 2014

LinkedIn Opens Up Its Publishing Platform to All 300 Million Members

Linked have announced that after having up until now reserved its prestigious Publishing Platform for only around 500 leading, global key opinion leaders and celebrities, it is now opening up the Linked in Publishing Platform to all of its over 300 million users.

Essentially the platform is a blogging platform similar to a Blogger or WordPress and allows anyone to go on and share timely, relevant and hopefully useful information with their target audience.
Consequently this change in LinkedIn’s thinking provides a very real opportunity for any individual to position themselves and consistently demonstrate their specific knowledge, skill or expertise to those who would most benefit from it on a highly regarded and professional medium such as LinkedIn.
The key advantage then to publish is to be able to gradually build your reputation and influence with people who may not even be part of your own network and yet may themselves have great influence and very much be part of your target demographic and market.
The platform itself has some practical functionality built in to it in that it allows for content via text, pictures and videos t present your updates on relevant issues in your industry and market.  It even has a comment system built into it that you can share via your other networks such as Google Plus and Facebook.
Importantly it also allows you to build in to your post a brief bio on yourself and what you do and by inference how you are connected to this area of discussion. This bio can be used to link the story back via a hyperlink to your own site or blog and even your name could be linked back to a personal profile on your LinkedIn profile for example.
As always with any blog the key aim here is to provide outstanding content that addresses any particular issue, need, challenge or concern that may be topical with the group, as distinct from overtly trying to sell something which again is rarely what people want early in the piece where you have not earned the right to advance to that stage.
Ultimately the mighty platform algorithms with their complex formula and weightings decide exactly which posts get seen and which ones don’t but as they say you need to be in it to win it. So give it a try and your insights and content may get you seen far and wide across the LinkedIn world.
So until next time, good luck and good marketing.

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