Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Making Your 2016 New Year's Marketing And Social Media Resolutions For Your Business

This Year I Will

Each year at about this time most people promise themselves they will make several important and positive changes when it comes to their health, behaviour and general deportment. I will stop smoking, I will start jogging every day, I will save more money each month, etc. and in each case the intent is genuine and at the time of the resolution, for a brief moment, the motivation is also high.
And yet despite this too often very little changes for most people. Sound familiar.

From The Business Perspective

Similarly if we extrapolate this best intentioned New Year's resolution making to your business, very similar well meaning resolutions too often never see the light of day and sadly never impact on the business in any meaningful or lasting way.

The Power Of The Written Word

I suspect one of the key reasons the failure rate her is so high is that often it simple never gets written down. When you write it down the thing you want is real and you can begin to focus on it in a very real and tangible way.

S.M.A.R.T Goals Are The Only Ones That Work

Writing things down is important but what you write down is just as important. I have said many times here and in other forums that if any of your goals do not meet all five of the SMART criteria namely: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely you need to throw it out and rework it because it simply wont happen. However if your individual goals do meet all five criteria then they are more likely than not to be achieved regardless of whether they represent a personal or business oriented objective.


What we have covered above covers of what you will aim to do and how you will record it. However the third key point in our resolution triad is motivation. Motivation will answer why you want to achieve these things and importantly how determined you are to make the changes required to get to where you want to go. Let's be clear motivation is internal. No one can give it to you. At best someone else can try to set up elements that are conducive to bringing out your motivation if it already exists.

Make A Start

So make a start and write down at least 5 new resolutions that will drive your business on to greater success. Fir example:
1. One new social media platform I will introduce is:
2. I will add new content to that social media platform every ________days.
3. I will update my website at least _________ with _________.
4. I will drive new leads with _________.
5. I will develop  a new product for my business in the form of_____________

This list is just scratching the surface but should start to get your creative juices flowing.

If you'd like more information on additional marketing and social media training for your business simply click on: 

for a full list of nationally accredited business courses.

So until next time, good luck and good marketing.

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