Saturday, July 7, 2012

Creating Wow Factor Means Going Beyond

Like so many other intangibles Wow Factor is difficult to define, identify and certainly quantify. But one thing that is certain is that we all know and recognise it when we see it. What is wow factor and how do we create it in the minds of our target audience, customers and prospects alike?

In simple terms, wow factor is when someone's expectations are not only achieved but significantly surpassed. As a consumer of many products and services I can honestly say that I rarely if ever see a genuine wow factor, but when I do I rave about it.

Recently I was doing an intrastate trip for business where I was due to give a presentation to a group in Portland and drove for several hours to arrive by 6pm with the scheduled starting time being 7.30pm.

On arriving I drove into the hotel I was staying at that thankfully was also the venue for the nights presentation, and on leaving the car noticed how incredibly dirty it had become through the trip and how I would need to find a car wash in the morning before starting my 6 hour journey home or else risk being stopped and fined by the police for driving an unroadworthy car. Annoying but for now I couldn't do anything about it, so I put it out of my mind and continued to prepare and focus on the workshop that I needed to deliver in an hour or so.

The next morning after having successfully negotiated the workshop the night before I went to my car and was amazed to find it clean. Under the window whipper there was a small printed note saying,
" The Management and Staff at the Premier Inn would like to express their appreciation for you staying with us and would like you to please accept this small gesture of appreciation in the hope that you have a safe trip back home." Wow Factor.

Incredible a business that is overtly interested in me and my needs, that have nothing to do with my hotel room, meals and costs me no extra.

Think about it for a while. What additional product (good and / or service) can you potentially offer to the mix to add this type can you add to your existing mix to generate this type of goodwill and excitement. There are probably plenty and all it needs is a little extra thought. And please by all means let's hear about some of your new ideas to generate some thoughts that may help others as well.

Until next time, good luck and good marketing.



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