Friday, May 28, 2010

20th Anniversary in the World of Pharmaceuticals

Hi Everyone,
I can not believe that today marks the 20th anniversary of the day I stated working within the pharmaceutical world at Bristol-Myers Squibb. I was 27 then so it's also hard to keep telling people I'm 29 now the way the Nanny does.

And in this time so many changes have occurrred within the industry and like so many other markets, social media is now exerting its influence here as well.

As we speak, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is deliberating on how and to what extent to regualte all the popular social media platforms other industries just take for granted.

There is no doubt that Pharmaceutical firms will continue to try to maximise their earning potential both withinin the constraints of what is legal and what also what is ethical for them.

Pharmaceuticals will urge the FDA to allow them to make it easier to reach patients and be able to deliver more information about the safe use of their products to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

No doubt that some of the key areas the FDA will be consideing include:

- Who is responsible for user comments? Especially if they contain wrong information.

- What can be said about drugs openly to people who may not already be on them. Etc.
Although no definitive date has been specified, the FDA is expected to release social media guidelines later in 2010.

No doubt these guidelines will then be very influential in guiding other major pharmaceutical governing bodies around the world pen their guidelines.

As this issue is focused on social media and ultimately effects all of us, I will watch out for any updates and report back to you all when I know more.

Until then,
Good marketing.

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