Saturday, April 7, 2012

Despite Everything, Recent Study Shows that Email Still Ahead of Social Media

It seems incredible to think that in spite of the seemingly endless supply of daily updates and general hype around all things social media,email remains the more popular option of on-line personal communication, based on the results of the recent study by research firm Ipsos.

The study was based on research with almost 20 thousand adult respondents (19,216) and was conducted over 24 countries making it a truly international cohort.

The key finding of the research was that more people still used the net for email rather than social media (85% vs. 62%). Naturally within specific nations the percentage that used either email or social media platforms (formally defined as any blog, forum or social networking site).

Another interesting statistic of note, is that around one in six people (14%) also use Voice-Over-IP.(VOIP) and again shows a high degree of variability with Russia for example have a high level of usage with over 1 in 3 (36%) as compared to the US with only (6%)currently.

The major players in the social media space have attempts to transition people away from email to other forms of electronic note writing such as Google with its now defunct Google Wave, but have failed.

Not surprising really when you consider how fundamentally sound, practical and sustainable email is as an option for quick, universally available personal electronic, letter writing.

What about you. Which do you prefer and why?

Until next time, good luck and good marketing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing good stats. The internet is built on email. Personal and professional email addresses are proper internet etiquette, netiquette, for everyone because it represents your cyber home and professional address.


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