Monday, June 16, 2014

How To Write Great Product Positioning Statements For Your Business or Brands

There is no doubt in my mind that many business owners are still very much in the dark about how to position their business or brand and based on that positioning,  how to go about writing a formal business or brand positioning statement.

This is in spite of the fact that brands that are shrewdly positioned in the market based on the prevailing customer needs, market conditions and competitive landscape, generally tend to out perform those businesses and brands that are not.

The statement should describe a distinct place that the brand occupies with the target market that you want to attract to your business through the use of promotion. AS well the statement should clearly differentiate the brand in a meaningful and sustainable way from other, rival brands that are trying to attract the same target audience you are.

Thirdly the positioning statement should include a core benefit that will assist the user to better understand why your market offering will benefit them with their specific need, issue or problem.

Finally you should be aware that these statement include: Target, Brand, Category, Core Benefit and Reason to Believe in what is being said in the statement. So it is so much more that a simple tag line from an advertising ad campaign.

And to demonstrate this concept in more depth, I would like to provide a real world example of a major global hypertension brand Monopril, for which I was the marketing brand manager for four years.

Now for anyone that knows anything about the high blood pressure market, they know that this is one of the most saturated and highly competitive markets anywhere in the world and subject to an inordinate amount of political and regulatory scrutiny to boot.

There are not only many classes of agents proven to be effective in the area but also several brands of each class of agent that doctors can easily prescribe to their patients, so against this type of  market background it is imperative to find and clearly articulate the place for your brand, who it will assist, how it will help them and why.

So to that end I put this statement together:

Monopril Is the ACE inhibitor of choice (Category) for mature hypertensives (Target Market) that offers superior tolerability for those who have declining kidney function (Desired Outcome) because of its dual elimination pathway (Reason to Believe).

I'm pleased to say that this positioning that underpinned the marketing plan and promotional campaign energised the market and helped the brand grow to meet and exceed its challenging market share and dollar sales objectives.

Regardless of what market your business or brands operate in, they will always require a similar positioning statement to anchor the rest of the marketing plan. For more insights on this and all other marketing related areas go to the Digital Enterprise Program site and sign up for any of the seven free workshops or personal one on one coaching at:

So until next time, good luck and good marketing.

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