Monday, June 23, 2014

Why Is SEO So Important And Some Simple Keys to Improving Your Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation or S.E.O for short is certainly one of the most important skills in the realm of digital media marketing. Simply put the effectiveness of your S.E.O will determine how high your site ranks in organic search results which appears on the left hand side of the page of the search engine when you perform a search for a key word or term.

On the right hand side of the page you will find the sponsored links or paid ads which of course on the Google Search Engine are Google Adwords, which are the best known and most widely used form of pay per click (PPC) digital ad in the world.

Although the comparative strength of SEO  compared to PPC ads varies from country to country is is generally thought to be around eighty five percent for SEO and fifteen percent for PPC advertising like Google Adwords as a percentage of the total clicks for all search results. For this reason the SEO results remain profoundly important as a primary means of stimulating greater traffic generation for your business website and / or social media marketing platforms.

So what are some of the three biggest drivers of enhanced search engine optimisation that you can use today to achieve better organic rankings? Here are some keys to consider.

1. Key word density.
We know that the search engines and particularly Google are looking for an optimal amount of key words that amount to around three to four percent of the total number of words. So for example if you have a blog post or a page on your website with say five hundred words, then you should not have any more than twenty of those five hundred words as key words (i.e. twenty is 4% of five hundred).

2. Key word distribution.
Apart from the total number of key words, you also need to be sure that those words are fairly evenly spread throughout the course of the entire text as they would naturally flow in an actual conversation, as opposed to being artificially concentrated in say the opening paragraph to try to artificially and improperly improve your SEO. This practice of key word 'stuffing' is a no-no and is frowned upon by the search engines. In short don't do it.

3. Inbound links.
By now the whole world knows that Google and all the other major search engines recognise and reward quality inbound links that come from another with a strong reputation and come to into your website.  This is why you should always look for ways to get other sites and platforms to have your link on their site so individuals that are part of your target market may see and click on such links.

This list is far from exhaustive and in future posts we will revisit SEO and provide additional methods of driving up your ranking but for now you have three proven methods to work on to improve incoming traffic to your website.

For opportunity to learn more about SEO and all other aspects of digital media go to the VECCI website and enroll for any of the seven free workshops on:

And until next time, good luck and good marketing.



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