Monday, June 2, 2014

More Proof That Pinterest Needs To Be Part Of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Four Years

As many of you will already know I have been a strong advocate for Pinterest over the last years and have consistently included it in virtually any discussion on social or digital media in virtually all the presentations I give ranging from the Federally Funded, Digital Enterprise Program to my own podcast business series, Dan&


Consequently it's pleasing to occasionally find some independent validation of the growth, utility and overall effectiveness that Pinterest provides both its business members and users alike and in particular I spotted this infographic above through White Gloves Social Media that encapsulates seven key points that ironically I have been touting as well.

Of the information provided I don't think anything is more important than the first point made that Pinterest is the fastest growing website in history  at an incredible 40% faster than Facebook at the same stage in its development. Certainly Facebook is still significantly larger but has had at least a seven year head start to build that sizable lead.

Inevitably I get asked about which of these two sites is better to promote a specific product or business brand or whether they are both outmatched by a professional looking blog. To answer this you need to understand that it's not about size or rte of growth although both of those  dimensions are important considerations, but rather about the central and different function of these platforms.

Blended Learning Appeals To All

We know from our understanding of learning styles that people are largely visual and are stimulated and greatly engaged by quality pictures that can then be used to gain attention and interest. From this starting point they want to generally find out more about the item they are admiring and ultimately discuss their findings with other members of their trusted inner circle of friends and colleagues.

Now if that sounds reasonable then by now you are also thinking that sounds like a smooth and logical progression that moves from Pinterest to a Blog and then on to a Business Page on Facebook.
And if you thought that you'd be right because each of the three platforms has an important function in the process of how people find, learn about and consolidate their understanding about things so what it really means is that all three are vital to a fully functional and cohesive social media marketing strategy.

Digital Enterprise Program

For more information on all things social or digital media please go to the Digital Enterprise Program link and book in your next free workshop:

So until next time, good luck and good marketing.


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